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Thu 23 May, 10:00am
The Riverfront, Kingsway, Newport, NP20 1HG
Join prop-maker Lisa Floyd and the group for 2 hours of craft tutorials, skill share and all-round chatty fun. Bring along a project you’re working on to ask for advice – or just show off a bit!

  • No previous experience necessary.

  • Bring along your own ideas to get advice.

  • Stay casual – we don’t mind a cosy jumper or snacks on our laps.

To join in, drop us a message on social media, an email (engage@inside-out-cymru.org) or attend with a support worker. 

Funded by Our Voice Our Choice Our Port and Newport County Council.


Online reservations are not available for this event. Please contact becca@inside-out-cymru.org to book your place.