Take a sneaky peek of our cabinets in this lovely short film about our Cabinets of Curiosity project, exploring arts, heritage and mental health, with partners Monmouthshire Museum Service, National Roman Legion Museum and The Winding House. Funded by Heritage Lottery Fund.


Having been to The Winding House, Big Pit, Tredegar Library and Blackwood Miners Institute, you can now see them:

The Riverfront in Newport 1st-8th November

Chepstow Museum 14th November- 4th December

Over the last few months we have been working on a community heritage project, Cabinets of Curiosity. The project, funded by Heritage Lottery Fund, centred around workshops hosted by three museums in Gwent: Winding House, National Roman Legion Museum and Monmouthshire Museum Service. The participants of these workshops each created an artwork which was inspired by their hosting museum and its collection. These objects have been collected in to Cabinets of Curiosity and are currently on tour around Gwent. The workshop participants have created wonderful pieces of art and discovered lots about their own local history.