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Tue 23 Apr, 1:00pm
Markham Community House and Centre, King Georges Field, Pantycefn Road, Markham, Blackwood, NP12 0QX

Tuesdays, 1pm - 3pm 

2nd April - 4th June (10 weeks)

Markham Community House and Centre, MP12 0QX


  • Free with materials provided

  • Open to anyone who's looking for a bit of support for their wellbeing through the arts

  • Bill will lead on some printmaking activities that mean you can get stuck into a new artform in a safe, non-judgemental and friendly group.

  • You will work at your own pace and on your own project with support from Bill and other like-minded people in the group.


Spaces are limited, so please get in touch if you'd like to reserve your space.

Contact Becca through by messaging our Facebook page, or emailing: engage@inside-out-cymru.org


With thanks to Caerphilly County Borough Council, Caerphilly Arts Development and UK Government for funding this wellbeing project through Levelling Up.


Online reservations are not available for this event. Please contact becca@inside-out-cymru.org to book your place.