Everyone here at Inside Out Cymru has had a blast this summer!
Between having a good rest, enjoying the ups and downs of the weather and spending time with friends and family… we had some special events.
Jon hosted singing and creative writing sessions at the Ebbw Vale Institute for their open week! There was a great turnout and an especially impressive rendition of let it be performed at the end of the 1 hour session. We thank everyone who came!
Coffee, Cake and Conversation went down really well – it was a really good chance to meet other like minded people and have a good catch up. We even managed to squeeze some art in! Sarah Goodey brough along a Cyanotype kit where we gathered beautiful objects and made prints just using the special paper, the sun and a bit of water.
Fiona Winter held a movement session for the ladies at Dyffryn! There were lots of smiling faces. Thanks to Reality Theatre for partnering to be able to get this arranged.
Our Lovely Alice Smith hosted a lovely event for mums and toddlers at the Vans Centre. The outcome was beautiful – the colourful dotted and patterned, smooth stones all came together to make beautiful sentimental decorations.
And we started a new class! Artist and Printmaker Bill Chambers will be helping out at the Sports and Social Centre in Cwmbran with the Torfaen Communities for Work Plus and Building Resilient Communities.
Thanks to everyone who lent us a hand over the summer – we really appreciate you and your company!
Onwards for the new year!