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Mon 24 Jun, 10:30am
The Riverfront, Kingsway, Newport, NP20 1HG
The Riverfront, Newport

Mondays, 10.30am - 12pm 

June 03rd - September 9th (Breaks on July 15th and August 26th). 


These sessions are a calm and safe space for people with dementia and their carers to explore how art can support them at home. They are a chance to meet others going through similar things, try something new in a supportive space and find some relief. The group will work towards a small public exhibition at the Riverfront in September. There are 12 spaces available in this 14 week programme. This programme is aimed at people who are not living in residential settings.

Contact Becca via email, phonecall or text to register your interest: engage@inside-out-cymru.org, 07972 782 248

Or contact us on Facebook: facebook.com/insideoutcymru


Online reservations are not available for this event. Please contact becca@inside-out-cymru.org to book your place.